The following two links are important world news for Christians in Cambodia, and for those interested in Cambodia in general...
The first article is about how the Ministry of Cults and Religious Affairs have banned all Christian evangelism in the country... Voice of the Martyrs is the organization that has reported this story... you can read it by clicking here...
The second article is about the actual beginning of a trial for Duch, who was one of the main leaders of the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970's. The Khmer Rouge was responsible for the killing of 1.7 million Cambodians. Duch was in charge of the terrible torture center Toul Sleng (also known as (S-21)... you can read it by clicking here...
1 comment:
I heard 4 years ago of a similar law banning proselytizing (sp?) door to door in cambodia. I don't think much has changed, old news in other words. This was mainly to counteract annoyances by mormans. Its ok, door to door is a highly ineffective way to "sell" a product.
Through my YWAM contacts in Cambodia, i heard that Duch became a Christian, and even wrote a small pamphlet. A guy i know told me about another guy from YWAM who went to Pailin, and met a lot of former K.R.'s. He went to a "meeting" and shared the gospel with Saloth Sar's secretary.
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