July 30, 2006

Estimated Time of Depature... soon

Well, I leave tomorrow. All the preparations to get here, 5 weeks of spending time with the Cambodian people and it all boils down to less than 24 hours. It has gone too fast.

There have been times of rejoicing (a friend leading his father to Christ, the opening of a new orphanage, teaching English at the Korean church, teaching Bible Studies in the Student Center, teaching new songs there as well, working with the teachers at the Christian School, our medical teams giving simple but profound help to those in need, meeting with old friends and meeting new ones).

There have been times of difficulty (fighting illness, fighting the heat, the Cambodian approach to punctuality, personality conflicts, personal selfishness, misunderstandings).

And yet it adds up to a tapestry that only the Lord could have sewn. Yes, there are dark threads in the tapestry, but they are just as important as the lighter ones.

There is also a future and a hope. There are children who are eating everyday and sleeping in safety and love because of the ministry of God through His people here. There are teachers who have more resources to take to the classroom, there are college students who are growing in their relationship with Jesus all because God decided to use some people from America who brought their own 5 loaves and 2 fish. Amazing. To be used by God and to know that it makes a difference in the hearts of people is truly gratifying.

If you haven't gotten a chance yet, I would encourage you to check out my blog (www.grahamgeisler.blogspot.com) to see a number of pictures that I have taken over the last few weeks... there will be more after I get home (after all I took over 1000 pictures). Also, Asia's Hope has a new and up-to-date website that is worth seeing as well. (www.asiashope.org).

I thank all of you for praying for me and for making financial sacrifices to make this trip possible. Please pray for Kim and I as we travel back to the States. It has been my pleasure and joy to represent you and to represent Christ with these people. May God bless you. Graham

1 comment:

Meestah Jeem said...

Safe travels, Graham and Kim. Will be good to have you back rooting for the Indians! Call me before school starts so we can find some time to get together in Columbus!
