A busy week in Thailand has seen the team doing 'well child' checks on numerous orphans, a trip to a village outside of Chiang Mai for similar reasons, the ever popular snake show, teaching English at a Christian School, and going to a youth retreat for Christian orphans about 30 minutes outside of Doi Saket. I was able to speak to the students (via translator) on Jesus first miracle (turning water into wine) and what it means for our lives. I got to take pictures of the Hill tribe orphans (about 70 plus) for sponsorship pictures as well. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING compares to what happened in church.
Due to the near impossibility of transporting 70 orphans and the staff anywhere at one time, the children have church at the orphanage. Pastor Mike (from Virginia) is a long time missionary to the Thai people and is serving as pastor of this very young congregation.
Father's Day in Thailand is on the King's birthday which is December 5. However, when the children and the staff realized that the American Father's Day was last week, they wanted to do something special. Frankly the service was going a bit long... it was hot, many of us were tired and really wanting to move on to what was next in our day. But then it happened... completely unknown to all of us, four of the girls began to get up and wash the feet of Pastor Dave, Pastor Mike and two other American men. My attention was instantly upon the four girls, but (as if this demonstration did not hold enough power) then every single girl and staff woman (including the orphanage director) who had long hair began to dry the feet of the men with their hair. Unbelievable... the Americans were all sitting in stunned silence... the children on the other hand began to cry... not all, but most of them...
During this entire part of the service, the children had begun to sing a song for fathers. Many of these children have lost their fathers to very violent deaths... some by police shootings and others through accidents and disease. After the foot washing/drying every single orphan went up and gave these men a rose and a hug... again, many of them with tears. I honestly have never seen anything like it... after the service several of the children were truly wailing. They were releasing years of pain of losing a father, or never having one that cared anything for them. It was unbelievable to hold some of these children while they cried and cried and cried... it was amazing. There are no words that can faithfully represent all of our feelings and 'heart crys' in those moments.
As amazing and as loving as the Asia's Hope Orphans home is, there is still so much pain in these children's' world. It is only the grace of God that has brought these 70 or so children here to grieve, to love, to grow and to know the God who is for them in a way they hardly conceive yet.
Thank you for your prayers, and may God bless all of you in every way. Graham
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