September 30, 2005

#5 - Seda eating tarantula

Wheh... this picture turned out well, but I was grimacing as I saw her do this... even though she did not eat the whole thing, it was the thought that she was putting a tarantula in her mouth that 'bugged' me... she ate the legs off of it, and that seemed to be enough... they were being sold like snacks on the side of the road... anyway you can click on the picture to see it a little closer... also, here is an article that you can link to about one guy's experiences eating spiders in Cambodia...

1 comment:

curiousceridwen said...

Suddenly, I've...lost my appetite, I think. And she seems so cheerful as she eats the little beast! Ick.

Thanks for you nice comments--you're a "recovering cynic," huh? That gives me hope that maybe I too will recover some day!