May 02, 2007

Bomb Threat

So I am just going about my business, getting ready for my upcoming trip to Cambodia... part of my responsibilty is to box up school books and supplies for Asia's Hope Christian School for some of the team members... 4 others to be exact... I have taken pride in how good a job I have done taping the boxes up so that everything gets there in one piece... SO, I gave three of the boxes to the three students who are going with us to put in their cars (take home and leave in the garage until we leave)... so what happens? One of the kids took it into the school and left it in the kitchen (where her mother works) and left school for work... I had to leave early to get to my grad class in Akron... I am on my way out of town thinking about this huge presentation that I was going to be giving when I get a phone call about a bomb threat at the school... Do I know anything about an unidentified box with lots of duct tape on it? Sure I do... but it is not in the school, it is in the student's car... I start to put two and two together, and all of a sudden the school has been evacuated, the bomb squad is on the way, everyone is freaking out... of course you need to be cautious... but I tell them they are going to be sorely disappointed when they open it and find some Bible learning books... ain't life grand...


John McCollum said...

That may just be the funniest thing I've heard in weeks.

Unknown said...


That is great! Oh, the day and age we live in, right? Back when we were in school they would have just thrown it out!

Erring on the side of safety?
