If you are looking for something to read... here are three good recommendations that I just finished...
1) The Murder of Roger Akroyd - by Agatha Christie... I actually put this on my profile as one of the best books I have ever read... it may be the most perfectly conceived novel I have ever read... from start to finish, there is nothing left out, no mistakes in the flow of the book... nothing, Poirot sifts through the facts of the case, and Agatha creates a fantastic beginning and ending... highly recommended...
2) The Weight of Glory - C.S. Lewis... a good book, maybe not in top 5 of Lewis readings, but it is a good collection of fairly short speeches that he gave in England during and after World War II.
3) The Church before the Watching World- Francis Schaeffer... The man never ceases to impress... he has been dead 20 years and is still the foremost Christian philosopher of our time. This book essentially deals with the need for theological purity, but keeping in mind that Jesus gave unbelievers the right to judge the veracity of the Christian faith based upon the life and testimony of believers... excellent.
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