December 27, 2013

From Mark's birthday

Seda and the Christmas Tree 2013

Psalm 121

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
From where shall my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to slip;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your keeper;
The Lord is your shade on your right hand.
The sun will not smite you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
The Lord will protect you from all evil,
He will protect your soul.
The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in
From this time forth and forever.

Christmas 2013

December 22, 2013

'Hugo' (2011) - Notable Quotables

Hugo Cabret: Monsieur Labisse gave me a book the other night.
Isabelle: He's always doing that. Sending books to a good home, that's what he calls it.
Hugo Cabret: He's got real...purpose.
Isabelle: What do you mean?
Hugo Cabret: Everything has a purpose, even machines. Clocks tell the time, trains take you places. They do what they're meant to do, like Monsieur Labisse. Maybe that's why broken machines make me so sad, they can't do what they're meant to do. Maybe it's the same with people. If you lose your purpose, it's like you're broken.
Isabelle: Like Papa Georges?
Hugo Cabret: Maybe we could fix him.
Isabelle: Is that your purpose? Fixing things?
Hugo Cabret: I don't know. It's what my father did.
Isabelle: I wonder what my purpose is?
Hugo Cabret: I don't know.
Isabelle: Maybe if I'd known my parents I would know.
[Hugo takes Isabelle to the back of the giant train stationHugo Movie Quotes clock where they watch the beauty of Paris at night]
Hugo Cabret: Right after my father died, I would come up here a lot. I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason. And that means you have to be here for some reason too.