June 20, 2010

Steven Wright quote...

"A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently, it wasn't first place."

June 16, 2010

Half of My Heart - John Mayer

This is a duet with Taylor Swift, but she never makes it into the video...

June 13, 2010

Springtime by Gunther Machu

Springtime - A Journey Into Macro Space from Gunther Machu on Vimeo.

Watch out America!

Around the house...

Nature invading the neighborhood...

(Or is it the other way round?)


Dad's Ohio Cactus plants...

They are not the friendliest of plants, but once a year, they put out some beautiful flowers...

Past the first trimester

Some of you know... but not all...

Seda is pregnant! We are expecting a Christmas baby! We heard the heartbeat for the first time the other day... pretty exciting! Please keep us in your prayers!

Some new Cambodian (American) friends!

Seda has really missed Cambodia a lot, so it has been a real blessing from God that we would meet a number of Cambodians at a church here in Columbus...

More Flowers than you can shake a stick at...

My parents' flower beds have been alive and well this year...

Seda's Photo Shoot at Creekside...